January 1, 2012


The Rose Bowl

 January 2nd is the Rose Bowl. The Wisconsin Badgers vs. The Oregon Ducks.  I'll be watching the game and was going to have some friends over for a small Rose Bowl party but didn't have time to plan it. With my step-son in a car accident just before Christmas my focus was on him and his recovery, not parties. Now that he's on the mend, party planning can move to the top of the list again :)

Here's what I wanted to do for the Rose Bowl party:

Cookies representing each team. The Badgers cookies were found on Flickr and the Ducks cookies were found on The Bend Cookie Company.

These football invitations from With Love Greetings would be fun for any football party. I'll have to keep these in mind for the Super Bowl.

Taco cupcakes from Plain Chicken and mini corn dogs from My Kitchen Adventures would make good finger food.

GOOOooooo Badgers!

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