March 17, 2012


Second Mini Shamrock Luncheon

One of our sweet co-workers, Amanda was leaving us for a better job so I helped another co-worker, Becky, throw a little party for Amanda.  Two Shamrock parties in one week, come the actual day of St. Patrick's I think I'll just throw on some green and call it a day ha ha 

The white table cloth makes the green pop.  The apples are wrapped with corned beef and were brought by Susan, another co-worker. Now I would have put the chips in a bowl but the bag does lend to the green of the day and when you take public transit to work you have to think about how many times you have to lug stuff on a crowded train. Standing room only.
See my little pots of gold and sparkly hats :)

Becky cut the cheese into little shamrock shapes for that extra little touch, so cute!  Oh look, there's one of my hats again :)

MMm dessert, who doesn't love that. Peanut butter cookies and chocolate cupcakes by Becky. How cute is my little sparkly hat that I put on top the cupcake stand :)
More delicious dessert.  My Irish Cream Cupcakes and the sign I whipped up the morning of the party. Type, print, add sticker, done.   
Can you see my sparkly piggy waaaay in the background on the drinks table :)

Oooh, my peanut butter chocolates, YUM!!!! None of them made it home. They were all gobbled up :) 

Hope you enjoyed another mini St. Patrick's party and got a few ideas for throwing your own mini work luncheon party. 

Now I better get off this computer and actually get some of my To-Do list accomplished today. Although it is fun hanging out with all of you all day. Work out calls and sadly, so does the laundry. 


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