March 5, 2018


St. Paddy's Day Brunch

I don't know what it is about St. Paddy's Day that makes me like to add a twist to it.  One of my fav's was my Irish Elk party.   This year I added succulents to the mix.  I also went a lot more casual for the table set up than I usually do.  Why? Because it's more fun to be in the moment with your friends than stressing about everything having to be perfect.

St. Patrick's Day party backdrop

This year I'm shifting my focus a little and diving deeper with my posts to help you throw more mini parties at your house.  Giving tips, ways to keep the stress down, and becoming your top destination for strengthening the bonds with your friends through mini parties.

St. Patrick's Day brunch table

I have gotten SO much use out of that gold sequin table linen.  It's fabric from Joann's.  I absolutely love fabric but can not sew.  Sewing machines have it out for me.  I could have bought an actual  sequin table linen but it was less expensive to buy the fabric at Joann's on a  coupon.  So if you see some fabric you love, especially at Joann's, wait for a coupon and buy it then.

Ok, let's break this table down.  Is it picture perfect? Oh heck no.  Is it real and authentic? 100% yes.  To make this table picture perfect I would have to place the food in matching serving pieces and snapped all the photo's before the guests came over.  By then, the food would have been cold and I'd have to re-heat it. No biggie right?  Sure, except it adds a layer of stress trying to time it just right. No one likes a stressed host.   All the serving utensils should be out of the photo too.  But this picture is real life.

St. Patrick's day brunch party

Mylar balloons.  I'm loving the mylar balloons because you don't have to take them to the store to get helium in them. One less trip to make. Unless you want them to float, then you'll need to go to the store.  But if you're going to use them for a backdrop or attach them to a table, wall etc you can just blow them up with the little stick they come with.  You might have noticed that the U is a little flat looking.  I think it had a small hole because it was full and plump until about 10 minutes before the guests arrived. Than it started going a little flat. I did not have time to run to the store and get new balloons before my guests arrived just so the U wouldn't look a little deflated. Do you think the guests even noticed?  Nope. So if this happens at your party don't even stress about it. And certainly don't point it out to your guests. You want your guests to focus on the fun, not the flaws.

You'll also notice the red wall behind the backdrop.  Here's the thing, unless I want to move my couch to the middle of the living room during the party, we don't have a white wall like you see on all the party sites.  We love color.  My point is, work with what you have. Your house doesn't have to be picture perfect to host a party.

Strawberry scones are perfect for brunch

These scones are delicious!  I serve them at a lot of my brunches because they are delicious and I never have left-overs.  The recipe is from Baker by Nature but I of course tweak it.  I add WAY more berries than the recipe calls for.  It makes the scones moist and you get a berry in every bite. One of my guests wanted the recipe and she made it for a birthday party and added a whole carton. She said everyone loved them.  If you make these scones leave me a comment and let me know what you think.

Succulent macarons perfect for a St. Patrick's Day party

I had asked Sprinklemade to create some succulents on macarons for me and they turned out so cute! Strawberry filled to match the strawberry scones.  Instead of filling the pots with gold I filled them with succulents from my yard. Party tip- Use storage boxes to add height to your party table.  These boxes are frequently on sale at craft stores and they come in a variety of colors, patterns and glitter.  I have several and fill them with craft supplies.

Succulents in cauldron's

Succulent strawberry macarons at a St. Patricks Day brunch

I hope you enjoyed delving into the party a little deeper.  I'd love to hear your thoughts. Your comments help me make improvements. :)


  1. Lucky is right... your guests, that is!

    1. :) I like to treat my guests to a delicious brunch. Make them feel lucky and they'll be excited for the next party :)


Let's chat! Comments welcome :D