October 5, 2015


Salted Caramel Apple Snickers Cake

When I saw Salted Caramel Apple Snickers Cake on Half Baked Harvest's blog  I knew I had to try it.  Her photo's had me hooked. All that delicious caramel dripping down the sides of the cake and the chocolate ganache, oh my my.  When I told my co-workers I was making it they immediately said, " You ARE bringing in left-overs right?"

Half Baked Harvest warns you that this cake has a lot of steps. She wasn't kidding. There's A LOT.  She assures you the cake is worth all the steps.  Myself and everyone who tried it would agree. 

Now, my cake does not look as pretty as Half Baked Harvest's. As you can see, there is no chocolate ganache showing.  This would be because I accidentally burnt the chocolate and heavy cream which would have been the ganache. It was getting late at night when this happened so I improvised and grabbed the Hershey Syrup in the fridge and used that. Hee hee 

Salted Caramel Apple Snickers Cake made by Fizzy Party

 You can also see the caramel didn't get as thick as Half Baked Harvest's too. Once again, I didn't wait for the caramel to cool enough. My friends, bless their hearts said the cake looked really good and they couldn't wait to try it.  The mmm's and the way they devoured the cake told me they all really enjoyed it. Yeah! 

Don't you love the faux twigs in the apples. Those are forks from Party Pail inc. I love these forks. They're realistic looking, dishwasher safe and every one of my friends commented on how much they liked them.
Salted Caramel Apple Snickers Cake made by Fizzy Party
Have you ever seen baked goods on blogs that look picture perfect and think, mine won't look like that so why even try to make it?
Just look at mine! That's why. Although mine looks nothing like Half Baked Harvest's it still tasted amazing, my friends appreciated it and I learned new baking skills.  So try those baking recipes you've always wanted to try. 

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