Of course you've GOT to rock the Mrs. B when you make waffles or pancakes. I'm also really liking these Glenmore Farms syrup's too. They have very few ingredients, are tasty and made in my home state, Go Oregon! Supporting the local economy Woo Hoo!!
To Fizzy up those waffles my friends could choose from colourful sprinkles, cinnamon marshmallows (these made me think of The Marshmallow Studio )
And fruit. Which, I forgot. Between my day job being extra busy so my brain is tired (said like a cranky toddler) by the time I get home and the heat wave passing through Oregon, I completely spaced the fruit when I was at the store getting everything else. It was even on my list! I had a bag of frozen blueberries on hand and my friend offered to pick up some strawberries on her way over, yeah!
I know I know, the plastic wrap looks tacky in the pails but I didn't know if they were food safe. Just looking out for my friends.
I forgot to snap a photo of the watermelon I cut into cute little flower shapes. I'd been up since 6:15 a.m. baking the cupcakes so by 10:30 a.m. my brain was on it's afternoon break. I wanted to bake before it got hot, we have no A/C and it's been about 95. It didn't take me 4 hours to bake, I also cleaned the kitchen, did laundry, pinned (soo addicting). But I'm sure you can picture watermelon all cut into cute flower shapes.
I also made these YUMMY hasbrown cups, Recipe here
Mimosas hit the spot as we dined Al fresco.
Glazed Doughnut cupcakes seemed very fitting for a mini breakfast party.
I gave each of the girls a party favor. At least I tried. We got to talking and laughing, eating too much and enjoying the sun and when the first friend left I forgot to hand it to her. Good excuse to get together again, I have to get her her party favor.
Despite all the oops, forgetting to take photos to share with you all, the cupcakes not turning out and forgetting to pass out a party favor it was a fun day. My friends still enjoyed the get together and that's what matters.
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