July 4, 2012


Woo Hoo!! Wednesday

      HAPPY 4th of JULY
How PERFECT! The 4th is on Woo Hoo!! Wednesday. I hope you're all doing something fun with your family or friends.

 Like my dollar store patriotic plate. Perfect for when you're going to watch fireworks outdoors in the Columbia Gorge with friends like we did in...2009. That was fun. My husband and I had a BBQ with my friend and her parents. Followed by fire works in the gorge. 
 Fireworks in the Columbia Gorge. 

What did we do in 2010?  Watched the neighbors fireworks. In 2011? this is really sad, but we didn't do anything. In store for 2012? Wouldn't you like to know :) Ha ha. OF course I'll tell you...
on Friday!  

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