It's a week of party books and because it's Wednesday, Woo Hoo!! I'm going to high light books by some great party bloggers. You may already know some of them and if not, click on the little linky's under the books and check them out :)
Cake Pops This book is bursting with cake pop cuteness. How to's and inspiring ideas in bright happy colours flow from every page of this book.
Cake Spy Crazy fun dessert creations. I got to meet the author on her book tour stop in Oregon. She's as sweet as her book is :)
Cake Spy
Sugarlicious Filled with sugar cuteness over load. Bright bold beautiful sugary colours pop out at you. With how to's and tips to help you create cuteness :)
The Decorated Cookie
Push-up Pops Filled with scores of recipes to make your own Push-Up Pop creations. The author isn't making a stop in Oregon :( but I did see her on a T.V. segment and she's adorable and with her book on back's gotta be a hit.
If any of you have these books, let me know what you think. Are these books (minus Cake Spy, cause I already own it) musts on my party book shelf?
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