December 2, 2011



Reindeer don't get much love in my house at Christmas. Not because I don't like them, I do. I just don't seem to buy many reindeer. There certainly are some cute reindeer out there.  I watch Rudolph every December. Although I did just buy that Pottery Barn candelabra reindeer that I've had my eye on since my 20's.  Maybe the reindeer have a chance in my house after all. Until they start breeding though, here's some adorable reindeer cookies you can make.

I love these gingerbread reindeer and the link attached with them.  Little Finds for Christmas , not only do you see these cute cookies perfectly frosted but there's Christmas music, snow falling and your cursor becomes a little candy cane, LOVE it!  I need to learn how to do that.

I know what you're thinking, Oreo's. Nope, rice cakes!  Great idea. I'm sure these taste WAY better than just eating a rice cake. Although the caramel ones aren't to bad. Tablespoon

I love the simplicity of these.  They are just too adorable.  From Meet the Dubiens


All this reindeer cookie love, I better get on the bike before work so I can eat all these great holiday cookies.  Happy baking!

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