November 30, 2011


Woo Hoo!! Wednesday

Oof, am I ever late in getting this post up. Shame on me. Early New Years resolution, no more late posts!

Being Wednesday, it's time to Woo Hoo!!! at some amazing Christmas cakes that I wish I had the talent to make.  Maybe one of these months, not this month of course, I'm too busy enjoying all the Christmas FUN, I'll try to make an amazing cake like these. 

Cake Central is featuring a cake that has 2 of my fav things, red, my favorite colour and cute little gingerbread men. 

This ornament cake from Inspired by Chocolate and Cakes  is SO vibrant. I love the colours. Sadly she's in Australia so you can't order one, well, maybe you could. Her cakes sound delish.

Sugar Sweet Cakes and Treats did an Amazing job on this cake.  RED, my fav and the white stands out beautifully against it. Click on the link and she tells you just how she did it to. That way when I FINALLY decide to try my hand at cake making I'll know how to start :)

I could spend HOURS on this blog, The Decorated Cookie . Not only did this super CUTE snowman cake come from her site, she gives you tutorials that are perfect for those of us who have never made such artistic cookies and cakes.  I just adore the little snowmen on this cake :)  Definitely giving her some blogger love this weekend when I have more time. Need to get my buns on the bike for at least 30 and than finish off my Christmas decorating tonight.

Do you make Christmas cakes?

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