December 3, 2011


December Birthday Party

Last night I attended my friends birthday party.  I hadn't been to her house in awhile so she called to say hers would be easy to find, just look for the sock monkey. So cute!

No tree up, not many Christmas decorations.  Ok, compared to me that is. I DECK out my living room.  Just ask Party Pinching :)  The decorations she had were elegant, just like her.

I made a snowman cheese ball to bring over. He turned out so cute. Too cute for his own good. No one wanted to eat him!  Finally people started digging the back side :) They didn't want to ruin his cute face.

My friend didn't have time to make food because the party was on a Friday night so she bought it all pre-made. Nothing wrong with that. People had a great time, enjoyed the food and that's all that matters. Getting people together for good times :)  It's the Fizzy Party way, Woo Hoo!!!

Hope you're having a great Saturday. I'm off to bake with a friend than to a bazaar and dinner with other friends. Love the holiday season!

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