As 2016 draws to a close I'm thinking about all the fun parties and adventures that happened this year. So many great times with friends. I'm already sketching out parties for 2017 and can't wait for you to join virtually. Let's take a tour of 2016's parties:
2016 kicked off with a Galentine's Party for my friends. My inspiration for this party was a tree fort. Why should the boys have all the fun with tree forts. I made the backdrop look like a tree fort and served up a brunch. I pulled the look of the tree fort into the party with wood rounds and tree bark looking cookies and added some glam with gold glitter touches. It would have been really fun to have this party in an actual tree fort.
March was super exciting! I flew to L.A. to film an infomercial for Create Ur Plate . This was too much fun. If you've been following me on Instagram you've seen how much fun I have in the Insta-Stories. I can't help it, I see a camera and it's like Lights Camera Action, and pose. Ha ha!! I joke with my man I'd be an awesome QVC host. But seriously, I would.
In March I got the chance to flex my inexpensive party muscle with a $35 Easter Blog Hop Challenge put on by Evite. Can you throw a party on $35? Sure you can. You can totally feed a small group of friends, decorate and have a good time. Check it out.
The $35 Easter Challenge was a party that came up on short notice and I already had a full on Easter party planned. Easter always seems to be full of pastels and I'm not a big pastel fan. I love the bright colours. So I threw a bright colourful Easter party full of fun.
I don't know about you but I LOVE throwing myself a birthday party. Why not celebrate your birthday. It's an excuse to explore a theme and gather your friends together. This year I took my zodiac sign and styled a party around it. I had so much fun with this party I just might see if I can style zodiac parties for my friends birthday's. Now if I can just get my friends to want to have a birthday party.
July saw a small backyard gathering to celebrate the 4th of July. The 4th of July is a great time to have friends over for a small casual backyard gathering and BBQ.
The end of July was an exciting time. I held my first craft night! This was SO much fun!! This may be have been the first craft/party night but it won't be the last. 2017 will see many more events. Since I live in Portland most of the events will be there but I am looking into hosting some on the coast, up in Washington, California and I'm planning on bringing #FizzyPartyTropFest to Texas. I have BIG plans for 2017. Hoping to make them happen.
Dog parties are everywhere. But where's the cat parties? I'm not talking cat party themed, I'm talking FOR the cat. Well in July I hosted a mini Adopt a Cat party to celebrate our cat we adopted. Cat's deserve parties too.
October in Portland wasn't too cold or rainy this year so I took the Halloween party outdoors. Have to take advantage of the semi-nice fall weather when we can. It's been awhile since I've thrown a big Halloween party and I have one in mind for 2017. It's going to be interactive ;)
I love cutting down a fresh tree for Christmas so this year I set up a small hot cocoa bar at a tree farm I like to go to so my friends and I could stay fueled while we hunted for the perfect tree. Plaid is so hot at the holidays and really pops against the greenery of the trees.
Writing out Christmas cards can seem to take forever and be so boring when you do it alone. Early in December I hosted a cards and cocktails party. Tell your friends to bring their cards over, serve up some snacks and cocktails and get those cards done. Or at least addressed.
Ok, so we got our tree at the tree hunt party, we got our cards made out at the cards and cocktail party and you're thinking, you're done throwing parties right? Wrong! I Hosted a Holiday Clothes Swap Party too. I mean, you don't want to wear the same holiday clothes you wore last year do you?
Last party of the year, a mini Christmas movie and hot cocoa bar party. This is one of the easiest parties to throw. The house is already decorated and hot cocoa bars are inexpensive and easy to do.
I have big plans for 2017. My calendar is already full of parties I want to throw and events I want to host. I'm hoping to get to them all. I also have big plans for Twitter . More fun for Instagram too. I hope to see you around. Let's party!
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