October 11, 2013


You've Been Boo'd

When Swish Printables sent me her Free You've Been Boo'd printables I knew just what I wanted to do. I'm sure you've seen the You've Been Boo'd all over the blogespher and Pinterest.  A fun way to surprise your neighbors or friends with a little something at the holiday. 

I surprised a friend at the office with some cupcakes. I set it up on her desk so she'd have a welcome surprise when she came in in the morning. Who wouldn't want to be greeted by cupcakes on their desk instead of just boring office supplies. 
Free printables, We've been boo'd, Swish Printables
 The cute little saying was also created by Swish Printables. 
Free printables, We've been boo'd, Swish Printables, Halloween

My next little Boo surprise I couldn't deliver in person. So I'm delivering over the Internet. You see, my very good friend who I most certainly would have boo'd moved to Montana last year. My friend started a blog, Suddenly Surrounded by Taxidermy. It's about the observations and (mis)adventures of a city ladies move to the mountains.  When my friend writes her blog post she does it from her lap top. So I set up a little We've Been Boo'd on my lap top as if I had set it up for her, if she were still here.

Free printables, We've been boo'd, Swish Printables, Halloween

Free printables, We've been boo'd, Swish Printables, Halloween  

 Now for my family, they get my homemade peanut butter chocolates. It won't be much of a secret who it's from but it will be a fun surprise none the less. 
Free printables, We've been boo'd, Swish Printables, Halloween

Free printables, We've been boo'd, Swish Printables, Halloween

Free printables, We've been boo'd, Swish Printables, Halloween

Join in the fun and score your FREE We've Been Boo'd printables by clicking here

Swish Printables has you covered for any occasion. Stop by her Etsy shop for your party printable needs. 


  1. Awwwwww! What a nice surprise when I'm stuck here on the couch, elevating my ankle. THANK YOU!

    1. You're welcome! I'm sorry you hurt your ankle and happy that this brought you a nice surprise.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you for the great printable. I had fun Booing people and look forward to Booing more.


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