February 18, 2013


End the Week on a Sweet Note

One of the bosses at work loves to host little parties occasionally for all of us during the lunch hour.  Valentine's is the perfect occasion to throw one at work.   Especially when it falls later in the week when we're all fried  looking forward to the weekend. I look forward to this party because it means I can try out some new recipes and know that I won't be stuck   have to eat them all myself.  Last year I contributed my homemade peanut chocolates. I had several requests to make them again this year but I really wanted to try out some cupcake recipes.  I was going to make two different cupcakes and my chocolates but with 4 parties in the span of a week, the chocolates didn't get made. 

These cupcakes look so pretty and perfect. I almost took one, until I was told  Fred Meyer made them. Nothing wrong with Fred Meyer, I just wanted a homemade treat.  There were a lot of store bought treats this year.  Last year there was more homemade. 

There cuties were made by Rosalia. She made the panda cupcakes I've showcased.  I think I have a little competition at work :)

I like to make mini cupcakes for these types of events. That way people can try more than one treat. However, these cupcakes required a full size. You see, there's a surprise in the middle. A cherry! I got the recipe from Better Homes and Gardens.  

These little guys were a HIT! I had one employee tell me he grubbed out on them. Ha ha
This recipe is a keeper for sure. From Confessions of a Cookbook Queen. I'll be leaving a comment giving her a big thank you for posting this delish recipe. 

I would have shared more photo's of all the treats but they were store bought cookies and candy. Stay tuned for some cupcake reviews of the two I made over on  Cupcake Crusaders. I was asked to guest blog and I couldn't pass it up! I love their blog! 


  1. Cherry Coke Cupcakes? Yes please! They look super yummy and adorable too!

    1. Oh my goodness Norene, the frosting on these is soo good. I would smear it on chocolate graham crackers and eat it.

  2. Can't wait to share your guest posts with our readers!!!

    1. I hope they enjoy it! It's my first guest post. I just love baking cupcakes. and your blog!!!


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