October 12, 2011


Woo Hoo Wednesday!!

I love these cookies. They look so amazing and there's no way I could make cookies look this good.  Grab a cup of coffee or in my case tea and enjoy the eye candy.

Adorable from 4.bp.blogspot.com

If only I could make tombstone cookies look so good. No source.

How did they get the spider web to look so perfect from Katie's Something Sweet

This is just a taste of what you'll see on Cookievonster

Available on Etsy, from Spooky Silhouettes,  a dozen for $36.00

And my all time favorite, BATS of course. I wouldn't be able to eat these adorable little guys. Oh who am I kidding, yes I could :) From Sweet and Saucy

Related:  Halloween Cakes 

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